gm and welcome

I’m Tyler 👋

Join me on my journey exploring the depths of the cryptoverse

and trying to make sense of how we can actually use this revolutionary technology.

I subscribe to the exceptionalism of generalism and the virtue of non-linearity.

10 years crypto, prior entrepreneur, executive coach, founder of Delhi’s first vegan cafe & eco-conscious travel agency, teacher trainer, foreman, sous chef and a few others I can’t mention here.

“Can hypnotize understanding into minds”

Lived and ran businesses in 4 countries, travelled to over 50. I try to understand every perspective, from every person, every background. And then I try to help them understand me.

“Unstoppable powerhouse of knowledge”

Very heavily self-educated. Taught myself psychology, macroeconomics, political science, startup strategy, culture, and of course, crypto.

I am a passionate lifelong learner and pride myself for being on the bleeding edge of information flows.

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making crypto useful


making crypto useful • don't worship, adapt